Rekaman CCTV : Perempuan Ini Nyaris Terlindas Kereta !!

saint Petersburg – Perdebatan sengit menyebabkan perempuan ini didorong ke rel kereta. Beruntung saat itu tak ada kereta yang melintas.

Rekaman CCTV dari stasiun metro di Saint Petersburg, Rusia, diberitakan Daily Mail, hampir saja menjadi bukti sebuah tragedi. Terlihat seorang penumpang, Yevgeny Borodin, sedang adu mulut dengan rekan kerja perempuan.
Mulanya, tampak keadaan terkendali. Tak ada yang menyangka saat Borodin tiba-tiba mendorong perempuan itu ke rel aktif, yang tak lama kemudian dilintasi kereta. Penumpang lain yang sedang bersema mereka, terkejut dan berusaha menyelamatkan si perempuan.
Saat tak tertangkap, si penumpang yang tampak kesal atas tindakan itu, memukuli kepala Borodin dan kemudian menolong si perempuan. Petugas di stasiun terlihat berlari dan mengejar Borodin yang kabur ke luar stasiun.
Setelah memastikan si perempuan baik-baik saja, penumpang yang memukul Borodin berlari ke luar stasiun, ikut mengejarnya. Borodin tertangkap dan terancam hukuman penjara. Ia diinterogasi detektif yang menudingnya melakukan percobaan pembunuhan.
Seorang pria yang berdiri di kejauhan dan tampak di rekaman CCTV tersebut, menceritakan kejadian ini. Ia mendengar perdebatan diantara mereka yang makin lama makin keras suaranya. Ia tak tahu mengenai apa perdebatan itu.
"Tiba-tiba, si pria mendorong perempuan itu dengan keras ke rel. Pria lain memukulinya dan menolong perempuan itu. Semua terjadi dengan cepat. Saya pernah melihat orang bertengkar tapi ini benar-benar mengerikan. Perempuan itu nyaris tewas," ujarnya.

Argument: This CCTV footage was captured from a Metro track in St Petersburg, Russia. It shows Yevgeny Borodin, left, arguing with a female worker, which, at first, appears under control
Argument: This CCTV footage was captured from a Metro track in St Petersburg, Russia. It shows Yevgeny Borodin, left, arguing with a female worker, which, at first, appears under control
Shocking: As the argument escalates, Mr Borodin suddenly pushes the woman onto the live tracks
Shocking: As the argument escalates, Mr Borodin suddenly pushes the woman onto the live tracks
Worrying: The woman can be seen falling slowly back onto the rail lines - just seconds before a train was due to arrive at the platform
Worrying: The woman can be seen falling slowly back onto the rail lines - just seconds before a train was due to arrive at the platform
Attack: The shocking incident clearly infuriates a passenger who watched the incident unfold - as he lands an enormous punch onto Mr Borodin's face
Attack: The shocking incident clearly infuriates a passenger who watched the incident unfold - as he lands an enormous punch onto Mr Borodin's face
Injured: Mr Borodin is clearly hurt by the power of the punch
Injured: Mr Borodin is clearly hurt by the power of the punch
Rescue: As Mr Borodin cowers following the punch, the passenger goes to look for the woman on the tracks
Rescue: As Mr Borodin cowers following the punch, the passenger goes to look for the woman on the tracks

Good news: Despite falling backwards onto the live tracks, the woman is not badly injures and manages to haul herself off the track with the help of the man
Good news: Despite falling backwards onto the live tracks, the woman is not badly injured and manages to haul herself off the track with the help of the man
Safe: After checking that she is not injured, the passenger, who is clearly still furious, decides to chase after Mr Borodin who attempted to escape. He was later captured by police and is now facing jail
Safe: After checking that she is not injured, the passenger, who is clearly still furious, decides to chase after Mr Borodin who attempted to escape. He was later captured by police and is now facing jail

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